Our Commitment To building Managers And Concierges
Your reputation is on the line when you choose a painting contractor
We Promise You A Painting Experience
You And Your Residents Will Love
If your contractor fouls up, you get the blame

It doesn’t seem fair that a thoughtless or unprofessional contractor can so quickly damage the relationships and reputation you’ve worked so hard to create.

You work hard to take care of your residents and you should not have to worry about your contractors doing their jobs and following through.

We understand that your job is often difficult and complicated.  You don’t need another source of worry, frustration, or stress.

What you do need is a contractor who can simplify your life, who can function as an extension of you.  A  painting partner who can solve problems and address building and residents’ needs responsively,  urgently and professionally.

We have a system for that.

Our 4-Step Process makes you look like a hero -
every single time
We meet with you so you can tell us about your project, express all your needs & concerns, and get all your questions answered.

We prepare a customized plan and written agreement that addresses all your needs and concerns, including the scope & schedule of work to be done, our commitment to communications, progress updates, final walk-throughs and followup procedures.

We execute the plan together, with regular communication keeping you fully informed along the way.

We demonstrate our commitment and ability to partner with you to always deliver a problem-free job and to keep your residents happy and appreciative.

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